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The Is7and Extremes Challenge

  • Thursday July 13th 2017
  • Jordan

Stealth Rollercoaster Top Hat Element

OK guys, exciting news! This summer when you visit the Island Like No Other we’re giving you ALL the chance to win a ticket, absolutely FREE, to come back.

“But how?!” I hear you cry! With our shiny new Is7and Extremes app – that’s how! Yep, launching on July 22nd, you can download our app where you’ll be able to design your very own challenge which, upon completion, we’ll reward you with a free ticket to return to the park. We know, it’s pretty awesome.

And the best bit is, because you design it yourself it really doesn’t matter what your taste in rides is. Love riding our coasters? Design your challenge around that! Can’t get enough of our incredible flat rides? Design your challenge around that! Prefer a spin on the teacups to the mighty launch of Stealth – you guessed it – design your challenge around that!

Plus, it’s not ALL about riding. There’s SO much more to the Island than just the rides so we’ve made sure to include plenty of extra options for when you feel like mixing it up a bit! I’m not going to go into too much detail here because I want to save that joy for when you download the app for yourself, but suffice to say I’m super excited to get my teeth sunk into it myself.

And if that wasn’t enough, we’ll also be hosting a bunch of competitions across social media to tie in with this challenge, so make sure you get social and get sharing for your chance to win some more amazing prizes.

So if you haven’t already, download the THORPE PARK Official app and log in from July 22nd to take part in the Is7and Extremes challenge!

Until next time Islanders,


Official THORPE PARK Resort Blogger


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